Here’s Why Your Florida Home Needs Solar Roofing

Solar Roofing

Is Solar Roofing Investment Worthwhile?

Among the many eco roofing solutions, solar roofing is the most preferred choice.

Eco roofing is already the latest housing trend. And this will become a norm in no time.

There are many reasons why solar roofing is prioritized for eco friendly buildings. We shall explore them all here.

A Brief History of Solar Energy

Before we jump into what solar roofing exactly is, let’s take a brief look at its history.

The use of solar energy began way back in 7th Century BC.

The ancient civilizations realized the potential of solar energy. They used ‘magnification’ to light fires.

This shows that humans back in that age had fascination for solar energy.

Interesting, isn’t it?

Its photovoltaic effect, however, got discovered only in 1839.

French scientist Alexandre Edmond Becquerel demonstrated that exposing electrolytic cells to light produced electricity.

It took long for solar energy to gain relevance. This was mainly because fossil fuels were seen as convenient.

But in the 21st century with climate change concerns we can see a new race for transition to solar energy.

What Is Solar Roofing?

Now that we know its origin, let’s see what solar roofing exactly is.

Solar roofing consists of solar shingles and panels. These are placed on the roof tops of commercial and residential buildings.

They capture light energy from sun rays and convert them into electricity. This is also called the photovoltaic system.

Solar roofing produces clean and eco-friendly energy. It does not emit any harmful gasses or cause pollution as electricity is produced using sun rays.

There you have it, energy with zero environment cost.

Sunshine State and Solar Roofing

Places with plenty of sunshine are most ideal for solar roofing. You will see why.

Solar roofing can be installed anywhere. It can produce electricity even with minimal sunlight.

This means even if it is cloudy or snowing out there, you are going to have electricity.

However, solar roofs are most effective in the areas with most sunshine.

Florida isn’t called the Sunshine State for nothing. It has plenty of sunlight for most of the year.

Meaning Florida has one of the best solar potential in the US. Floridians should take the most advantage of their bright sunny days.

Don’t be amazed yet.

Going solar also attracts many tax benefits, both federal and local, along with incentives as the net metering program.

There is so much more to it, which we shall see further.

Solar Shingles and Solar Panels

Solar Roofing

Solar Roofing saves big on your energy bills.

You see Florida is just so ideal for solar roofing. But choosing between solar shingles and panels can get you confused. So let’s understand the difference between them.

Unlike solar panels that are mounted on racks, solar shingles are designed to be just like normal roof shingles.

Solar shingles blend with your roof sheathing. They can either replace roof shingles or be added on to the existing ones. You can install them simply using standard deck screws.

Pros and Cons

Both solar shingles and panels have their own pros and cons, which you should know.

Solar shingles are more aesthetically pleasing. Solar panels meanwhile are bulky and might ruin aesthetics.

Shingles can be 10-15 percent more cost effective per watt of solar energy.

Also they can be easily removed and reinstalled on new roofs. So you don’t have to worry about reinstallation when relocating or moving in to another house.

However, solar shingles can be less energy efficient sometimes than regular solar panels.

You will need a particular slope with high sunlight exposure to install them.

Solar shingles are still growing in popularity. So many manufacturers and installers don’t provide them yet.

How many solar shingles or panels do you need?

The number of solar shingles or panels depends on the size of your house and your typical energy consumption.

Even a few can do depending upon your energy needs.

Also you don’t need to replace your entire roof. You can simply integrate solar shingles into your existing roof. Sounds easy, right?

Replacing your roof with solar roofing

You clearly don’t need to look for roof replacement with solar.

But if your roof is in need of an overhaul, replacing it entirely with solar shingles can be a worthwhile investment.

As per studies backed by Department of Energy, home buyers are willing to pay a premium for homes with solar roofing.

This can be up to $15,000 more than the actual cost of home. As you can see solar roofing has its own perks.

Solar Roofing Longevity

On an average solar roofing can last somewhere between 20 and 30 years.

This lifespan is at maximum energy output. Which means you can stay assured on efficiency.

Cost of Solar Roofing

Now that we’ve seen the types of solar roofing, let’s jump into its cost.

The cost includes that of installation and maintenance. This varies from place to place. Let’s see them in detail.


In Florida the cost of solar panel installation can range from $11,008 to $14,892 on an average for a 5 KW system. This on a cost per watt basis ranges from $2.20 to $2.98.

A part of this cost can be recovered by availing the Federal Investment Tax Credit and other local incentives that we shall discuss later.

There are many ways to finance your solar roofing. This includes solar loans and solar lease which are increasingly being opted for by solar buyers.

Payback Period

Another factor that you should consider is the solar payback period. This denotes in what time you can recover your solar investment through energy savings.

The average period of solar payback in Florida is 10.69 years.


In the US solar panel maintenance can cost between $140 and $180 on an average.

You should know that many warranties cover maintenance costs of solar installations.

The service you most likely need is annual inspection. This may cost you on average $150.

Solar Roofing DIY

DIY Solar Roofing

It is always good to trust experts when going solar.

We’ve already figured the cost of solar roofing. But can you DIY?

Let’s find answer to this.

DIY solar roofing is preferred by many home owners. However, it is important to know its many pros and cons.

DIY obviously saves your cost.

As per the Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory, labor costs around 10 percent of the total cost of solar panel installation.

Also the federal tax credit and local incentives do not include labor costs. So DIY makes sense.

But, there are many downsides to DIY.

It is more suitable for smaller projects. And many DIY solar panels are not designed to hook to the traditional energy grid.

They are mostly meant to serve off-grid energy purposes like powering RVs.

To install a full fledged solar roofing you need knowledge and expertise.

DIY without such knowledge can be extremely dangerous. Working on rooftop and with underground wires can be risky and should be best left to experts.

Chances of mishap are high with DIY as crossed wires may result in malfunction or worse electrical fires.

Also, depending on your municipality’s zoning laws, DIY solar roofing may even be illegal without any professional help.

Same applies to the maintenance of solar roofs. Trying to do regular maintenance by yourself includes risk of personal hazard and is never advised.

Apart from safety, professionally installed solar roofs also come with a warranty.

So here we are on DIY. You see why it is so important to get solar roofing done by a qualified expert.

Advantages of Solar Roofing

When looking for roofing options, there are many benefits which you can unlock by choosing solar roofing. Let’s discuss them in more detail.

Protect the Environment

Solar power is the cleanest source of energy.

Solar roofing in particular extends this sustainable energy feature to your rooftop. Thus greatly aiding climate change mitigation efforts.

As you know, conventional sources of energy use fossil fuels to generate electricity. And these emit harmful greenhouse gasses, causing pollution.

Climate change is the biggest threat to humanity and fossil fuels are its driving source.

Save Big with Tax Credits and Incentives

You can avail federal and local incentives by choosing solar. There are some really exciting solar schemes to help Floridians like you take advantage of all that sunshine. Let’s talk more about them.

Federal Investment Tax Credit

The biggest pan American solar incentive is the 26 percent Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC).

This is one of the most impactful solar incentive in the US.

You can get your federal taxes reduced by 26 percent of the cost of your solar purchase.

For instance if you spend $15,000 on solar installation, you can qualify for a tax reduction of $3900.

That’s a big saving indeed.

However, this incentive lasts only till the end of 2022. The federal tax incentive comes down to 22 percent in 2023. And 2024 onwards the incentive shall be eliminated for residential solar installations.

So if you are planning on getting solar roofing, investing right now can save you the most.

Florida Net Metering

This allows residential solar owners in Florida to sell any excess solar energy back to the grid.

Meaning when you are out of home your solar shingles are working to save or even earn you money.

Property Tax Exemption

Whenever you build an extension to your home or add value, your property tax is set to rise.

This, however, is not the case with solar installations in Florida. So your solar roofing will not result in any additional property tax.

Sales Tax Exemption

Your purchase of solar roofing does not include sales tax. This is because of ‘the Solar and CHP Sales Tax Exemption’.

This saves 6 percent of what you would otherwise pay with the sales tax.

Eliminate Your Energy Bills

This is one of the best benefits of solar roofing. It can bring your electricity costs down to zero.

Data from Orange County, Florida suggest that solar users can have net twenty-year savings between $30,676 and $41,503 on their energy bills.

Also solar roofing can offset electricity bills between 80 and 109 percent.

That’s a really big reduction, isn’t it?

Increase Your Property Value

Solar roofing increases the resale value of your property significantly.

Home buyers understand the value of solar powered homes. A solar ready home means the buyer need not make additional investment in solar installation.

According to one research homeowners see an average $5,911 increase in resale value per installed kilowatt of solar power.

This means you increase your property’s resale value by around $18,000 with just a 3.1 kilowatt solar system.

Make Your Roof Last Longer

Solar roofing adds a layer of protection to your roof. It shields your roof from elements such as rain and snow.

Thus your roof’s overall life span increases remarkably.

Invest With Zero Risk

Energy costs keep fluctuating from time to time. You never know when the price of energy will increase next.

This is especially true for conventional energy sources as governments plan an additional carbon tax.

With solar roofing you can get rid of all these woes, as investment in solar roofing is risk free. Also your investment will get paid back in the long term as energy cost savings.

Disadvantages of Solar Roofing

We saw the many advantages of solar roofing. Now let’s look at some of its critiques.

Solar roofing attracts criticism despite all the benefits that it offers. Here are some reasons why.

Need Huge Investment Upfront

The average gross price of solar installation in Florida is $12,950. This is much more than getting your home connected to the grid.

Solar roofing is particularly out of reach for young buyers with limited savings.

Isn’t Ideal For Every Home

Solar roofs can increase the weight on your roof. Especially if the roofing is of solar panels. This may require additional spending on roof reinforcements.

Installing solar roof gets more complicated if your roofing is of clay tiles or wood.

Problems With Mobility

Solar roofing once installed can’t be easily removed and reinstalled on another rooftop. This especially holds true for the bulky solar panels.

For a young homeowner who might have to relocate this might be an unnecessary investment.

One must however note that solar roofing’s pros far outweigh its cons. The shortfalls might be true in some individual cases and do not apply to everyone.


One hour of sunshine on Earth can fulfill the planet’s energy needs for an entire year.

This one line sums up the potential of solar power to fulfill our energy needs.

Solar rooftop can make your home energy independent. Also as a green building your home becomes eligible for LEED certification.

American solar race is already heating up. It is already the cheapest form of energy, especially in sunny regions.

The 2021 ‘Solar Futures Study’ show that by 2035 solar power can produce enough electricity to power all homes in the US.

With federal incentive on solar roofing set to end from 2024, may be this is just the right time for you to go solar.